Total 337 profiles

These profiles are regarded as unvalidated because our curators failed to find any orthogonal support from existing literature. We encourage the community to perform experiments and/or point us to literature that our curators missed in order to support these profiles.
Display profiles
ID Name Species Class Family Sequence logo
UN0278.1 ANIA_01298 Emericella nidulans Basic helix-loop-helix factors (bHLH)
UN0279.1 ANIA_01705 Emericella nidulans C6 zinc cluster factors
UN0280.1 ANIA_01729 Emericella nidulans C6 zinc cluster factors
UN0281.1 ANIA_01812 Emericella nidulans Basic leucine zipper factors (bZIP)
UN0282.1 ANIA_01824 Emericella nidulans C6 zinc cluster factors
UN0283.1 ANIA_02553 Emericella nidulans C6 zinc cluster factors
UN0284.1 ANIA_02725 Emericella nidulans C6 zinc cluster factors
UN0285.1 ANIA_02785 Emericella nidulans C6 zinc cluster factors
UN0286.1 ANIA_02839 Emericella nidulans C6 zinc cluster factors
UN0287.1 ANIA_03986 Emericella nidulans C6 zinc cluster factors
Showing 10 profiles of page 24 from 34 pages

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