Detailed information of matrix profile UN0109.1

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Profile summary

Name: trx
Matrix ID: UN0109.1
Class: Nuclear receptors with C4 zinc fingers
Taxon: Insects
Species: Drosophila melanogaster
Data Type: ChIP-seq
Uniprot ID: P20659  
Source: 30413482
Comment: Contains the Nuclear receptor DBD, Histone methyltransferase

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 1794 822 2691 23 3946 10 3944 35 275 866 1476 903 ]
C [ 842 459 338 12 29 6 27 28 3352 510 700 801 ]
G [ 782 2374 689 3974 57 4004 76 3979 326 2321 1125 1753 ]
T [ 640 403 340 49 26 38 11 16 105 361 757 601 ]

Binding sites information

External links