Detailed information of matrix profile UN0115.1

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Profile summary

Name: DMRTA1
Matrix ID: UN0115.1
Class: DM-type intertwined zinc finger factors
Family: DMRT factors
Taxon: Vertebrates
Species: Homo sapiens
Data Type: HT-SELEX
Uniprot ID: Q5VZB9  
Source: 28473536
Comment: not supported by literature

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 1860 1773 1096 383 0 1076 771 2671 2 2671 1392 588 ]
C [ 434 325 644 563 5 761 89 4 2671 0 299 650 ]
G [ 582 649 409 512 2671 1 0 15 0 39 587 585 ]
T [ 811 898 2671 2671 0 1595 2671 0 0 342 2671 2671 ]

Binding sites information

No Binding sites available for this model.

External links