Detailed information of matrix profile MA0529.2

Profile summary

Name: BEAF-32
Matrix ID: MA0529.2
Class: C2H2 zinc finger factors
Collection: CORE
Taxon: Insects
Species: Drosophila melanogaster
Data Type: ChIP-seq
Validation: 22895281
Uniprot ID: Q94513  
Source: 30413482
Comment: Motif with less uninformative columns

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 1772 1612 539 5151 98 26 40 5213 204 4406 1354 1126 ]
C [ 1048 1825 460 51 112 5423 13 79 96 97 711 1556 ]
G [ 1556 711 97 96 79 13 5423 112 51 460 1825 1048 ]
T [ 1126 1354 4406 204 5213 40 26 98 5151 539 1612 1772 ]

Binding sites information

External links