Detailed information of matrix profile MA1694.1

Profile summary

Name: ARF35
Matrix ID: MA1694.1
Class: B3 domain
Collection: CORE
Taxon: Plants
Species: Zea mays
Data Type: DAP-seq
Validation: 24485461
Uniprot ID:
Source: 30375394
Comment: The motif matches the TGTC core motif associated to ARF TFs.

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 1326 1011 2144 744 250 330 37 4934 7 4709 3063 955 1548 1377 ]
C [ 1297 1549 1043 2700 4409 4521 15 16 4975 253 556 905 1161 1285 ]
G [ 1351 1219 1014 1101 122 117 4934 58 23 39 856 2699 1382 935 ]
T [ 1048 1243 821 477 241 54 36 14 17 21 547 463 931 1425 ]

Binding sites information

External links