Detailed information of matrix profile MA1440.1

Profile summary

Name: fkh-9
Matrix ID: MA1440.1
Class: Fork head / winged helix factors
Family: Forkhead box (FOX) factors
Collection: CORE
Taxon: Nematodes
Species: Caenorhabditis briggsae
Data Type: PBM
Validation: 26963674
Uniprot ID: A8XJP7  
Source: 31133749
Comment: binding site: "TTGTTTCT". The last "C" is not supported in the motif, but one of the bound sequences has an A at that position, which is supported.

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 527 809 655 983 999 47 968 574 ]
C [ 236 16 93 15 0 780 0 75 ]
G [ 236 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 ]
T [ 0 174 250 0 0 171 31 274 ]

Binding sites information

No Binding sites available for this model.

External links